Talk: Nuno Flores
Collaborative Development Environments: Grasping the collective knowledge
Nuno Flores, FEUP-DEI
Friday, Jun 25, 17:15 – 18:45 @ B 002
With the advent of the Web 2.0 and the evolution of the communication media, the software development teams are becoming more and more distributed. The development paradigm of the whole team in one physical space is fading with time. So far, collaborative development environments have been concerned with suitable presentation, seamless integration of tools and reliability of results. Only recently did the need for supporting the social aspects of software development became an issue. There was a need to bring the outside [the development environment] communication into the development environment, as a means to enable the needed collaboration between team members. Now, there is a real opportunity to harness knowledge that, otherwise would be kept in people’s heads and that would usually have a lifespan of a few minutes during a conversation.