Agile Portugal 2010. June 25-26

Talk: José Bonnet

Behave Yourself! — Taming the wild, wild multiple system integration using RSpec, Cucumber & Friends

José Bonnet, PT Inovação
Friday, Jun 25, 13:30 – 15:00 @ B 002

PT Inovação has decided to completely review its Business Support Systems’ offer (BSS), by following the most up to date references in the area. This implied re-archittecting a mostly monolithic solution into several systems that now can live on their own, each following its own evolution and commercial path. But this apparently simple decision left us with a bunch of systems to integrate, some of them in scenarios where this integration has to be done with systems from other vendors, all of this being done in typically very short time-frame.

We have therefore decided to start exploring Behavior Driven Development (BDD) techniques for multi-vendor multi-system integration testing, where we can define business valuable scenarios that cross more than one system and clearly show what’s working and what’s not. Furthermore, being a complex and repetitive task, this integration testing strongly benefits from BDD’s inherent automation background.

This work is still in the exploratory phase, and we’re eager to hear from the Agile community if this approach has been tried elsewhere and with what sort of results.
